Miralicious Life
everyone is welcome
nice to meet you, fella :D

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Template : Dinie Hanani
Re-Editted : Nysarzmn
Owner : Mia Amiera
Image : We♥it
Best view : Google Chrome

New Blog , New Life , New Story
Sunday 5 August 2012 | 08:34 | 0 Awesome People

Assalamualaikum . As usual . Setiap masalah ada jalan penyelesaiannya . Setiap kali Mia ada problem , Mia akn buad blog baru . Sebab dekat blog lah Mia akan ceritakan semua masalah Mia . See the title -----> New Blog New Life New Story ! Everything gonne be new . And the old blog will be varnish forever . No more love in this blog . Im trying to forget everything about him . Eventhough I know that I can't . Btw , as usual . Did I need to introduced myself ? Of course . Setiap kali permulaan blog baru , I will introduced myself . Because im proud of myself . Maizathul Amiera named was given by my mum and dad . Born on 9th May 1996 . Yeah , I know im still young . The only girl in my family . So for sure im very very 'manja' in my family . Hahaha . Taknaklah introduced diri terlalu formal . Mesti semua followers yang ikut blog Mia dari yang first dah muak dengan ayat-ayat jiwang nih . Haha . Thats all for this introduction entry . Wait for my next post . Bye . Muahhh !

| New things